Busy, busy Mondays 

Today was exhausting but satisfying!

A group of us at Uni signed up to create a 3.5m length of hand printed pattern in repeat with 8 colour separations….yes it was as much work as it sounds!

Luckily there were 9 of us involved and we all managed to get the job done much quicker than we thought!

We merged all of our drawings together to create a repeat, then decided on the colour palette and separate the layers onto kodatraces. Then we exposed them onto ridiculously big silk screens and printed it.

Rather than bore you with every detail of the process, I will just show you photos from each layer of print!

 Got there in the end!

Then I had to strip the final screen and loved the texture as the emulsion melted away (I thought I would post it as a little piece of textural inspo!)





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